
  • Sales Team

    Our sales team serves customers, gives highly professional suggestion and builds a relationship of trust. As a result, we can develop our company and expand the business with the relationship.

  • Construction Team

    We have high level of skills and experience. However big and difficult the project might be, our construction team can handle it. If you are inexperienced, you can improve your skills steadily since our company has wide-range construction. Needless to say, you never get bored of working.

  • General Affairs

    Our general affair assists the sales team and construction team in the company. This section applies to local government for construction, makes some documents and checks the construction schedule. By doing so, it executes various work in order to finish the construction as the customers’ requests.

  • Accounting and General Affairs

    It handles both accounting and general affairs of the whole group. Also, it devotes its time to company’s growth, checks many kinds of figures and creates a great workplace.